Saturday, 9 January 2016

Friday January 8


Today students were introduced to some new additions to our game of Red Light Green Light in the gymnasium. Using a circular pylon as a steering wheel, students "drove'(walked/ran) all around the gym with their eyes on the 'road'(gym)and two hands on their steering wheel at all times. Here are some of the directions students had learned to follow during the game:

Green Light= means go
Red Light = means stop
Brown Light = means you have to drive very slowly through the mud
Pink Light = means hop around while your driving
Rainbow Light = means you can choose any of the activities mentioned above

Grades 3-6

Today, grade 3 and 4 students worked on creating new class rules in groups. After co-creating the rules, we discussed them as a class. Grade 5 and 6's engaged in another ice breaker activity called the 'Tangled Web'. Students spread out across the Gym and were asked to think of 1 or 2 unique facts about themselves. Holding a ball of yarn, I began the activity by introducing myself and then shared one unique fact about me. I then rolled the ball of yarn to a student without letting go of the end of the yarn. The student who received the ball of yarn then introduced themselves and also shared one unique fact. This continued until the ball of yarn was passed to everyone in the class, creating a giant web. Following the activity I started a discussion about how this activity relates to the idea of teamwork -- for example, the students need to work together and not let others down. To complete our discussion I had one student drop their strand of yarn which demonstrated to students how the web weakens if the class isn't working together.

Grades 1 & 2

Today students were introduced to a new game named 'Red Light Green Light' in the gymnasium. Using a circular pylon as a steering wheel, students "drove'(walked/ran) all around the gym with their eyes on the 'road'( Gym)and two hands on their steering wheel at all times. Here were some of the directions students had learned to follow during the game:

Green Light= means go
Red Light = means stop
Brown Light = means you have to drive very slowly through the mud
Pink Light = means hop around while your driving
Orange Lights = means stop, look over your shoulders to check any one is near and then continue to turn and drive
Blue Light = means safely speed up
Rainbow Light = means you can choose any of the activities mentioned above

Grades 7/8

Today students were provided with class time to work on there performance tasks and ask any additional questions. Students were encouraged to start writing down the rules of their game on chart paper so they could be reviewed and approved. They were also given the opportunity to test out there game to see if it was meeting all the required expectations. Performance task presentations will begin on Monday! Remember that if you are presenting your game on Monday please come see me some time during the day to confirm the exact amount of materials you require. Groups presenting on Monday are listed below.

1) Aarush, Gabe, Parwaiz, Kaiz, Kyle
2) Temi, Victoria, Zia, Jasleen


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